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LEGO Imagination Handmade Campaign

In today’s digitised world teens tend to lose touch with tangible ways to express themselves, leading to impaired learning and stifled creativity. LEGO wants to rebuild teenager’s imaginations by reintroducing hands-on play, but while many still love the LEGO brand, they don’t always have access to the physical bricks. Through unique activations and deliverables, the Imagination Handmade campaign strategically places the brand back into teens everyday lives.






Campaign Design
Digital Design
Graphic Design

The challenge

To conceptualize and create a collaborative campaign which rebuilds teenager’s imagination by reintroducing them to hands on play and LEGO.

Our solution

Through an interactive campaign and activations we strategically placed the LEGO brand back into teens everyday lives, by taking traditional fast food containers and coffee sleeves and transforming them into completely sustainable, pressed cardboard LEGO bricks. With on package instructions, physical posters, digital adverts and social media, we encouraged teens to pull apart the packaging and build anything they could imagine which represents their creative interests. In this way reigniting their passion for the brand and their own potential to rebuild the world through handmade imagination.